Finding the current status of a trademark application may seem confusing, but it really isn't. All of the current information on a trademark application can be found on the USTPO's Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) website.
You can access the site by clicking HERE.
Once you open the site, you will see a screen that looks like this:
To retrieve information about a pending or registered trademark simply type in the serial number, or registration number if the trademark has already registered, in the area marked by the red circle above. Then click "Status" to see the current application status, or "Documents" to see the complete list of documents filed and created throughout the trademark lifecycle for that trademark.
Note that older trademarks may not have all documents loaded in this system.
I hope this helps, please don't hesitate to contact The Law Offices of Michael Rada if you need more information or assistance with a trademark application.